
yes, the gears work on this doodad...it ticks incessantly.

Some things I've been working on


wasn't lion

here's some stuff...it's not done yet, I plan on finishing it tomorrow

This is still in the prelims as well, paint has yet to be applied

Now with a little chalk action...

I wish I could be using conte


great success

Check it out...I got the ol' Amiga up and running...on the big screen no doubt!

Starglider 2, an incredible game for its time (1988) was my obsession for about a year. I used to have this game for the old Macintosh SE back in the day.

Truly a remarkable game.

A serious obsession.

I have a passion for outdated computer systems.

The Amiga still runs like it was just out of the box, who knows if it will keep going?

I have plans for this old system. Plans that involve building spaceships, a little creative set design, and a childhood fantasy or two.


Stuff and the stuff they road in on

The creativity and innovation of people in the world continues to astound me. Syyn Labs is an artistic collective out in LaLa Land. They mix art, technology, socialization and alcohol together to create some of the coolest pieces I think I've seen in a long time. Along the same lines as City Museum out in STL.

Also, this is one of the things I've been doing. Building stuff


The Way Things Were

So I'm continually accosted by the real world.

Love you!


Show Biz

So I'm now working on two different projects, both slated for next month, and not getting paid for either. I love low budget. The things I'll do for credit and experience.

This week will be a crazy one.



Forcing my Religion

Enjoy this picture :)


Hello World

Here's some pictures I did with the help of my roommate. Enjoy!

orb of LIGHT!! fixed

dis bat

frosty's fix

I've got a studio now, and that is nice
